Pave the Path to Sales Success with an Outsourced Sales Leader

outsourced sales leader
March 9th, 2020 0 Comments

What if we told you that you could focus your attention on other aspects of your business by letting a seasoned sales expert lead your sales team? What if you could get the skillset of a higher level of professional than you would normally attract to your small or mid-sized business? This is possible without having to hire a new full-time manager. Do this by choosing the option of having an outsourced sales leader lead your sales efforts!

Sometimes called fractional sales leadership, outsourcing sales leadership is an excellent opportunity for many companies. However, there is much misinformation around the subject. In fact, many business leaders don’t even realize that they have a potentially business-boosting resource at their fingertips.

Ever been curious about outsourcing sales leadership or maybe recognize a gap that needs to be filled within your own business? Today, we’ll break down just exactly what outsourcing sales leadership entails and who it could benefit.


Benefits of Hiring an Outsourced Sales Leader

As a business leader you understand that time is one of your greatest assets. And even though sales is essential to growth, it can often require more time and attention than you have to give. If this is the case, your sales team could stand to gain by having outsourced sales leadership.

See if this might be the right option for your business:


1. Access to Expertise

Growing a successful and strong sales team requires unique skills. Finding that person who has the experience and skill necessary can be challenging, time consuming, and expensive.

However, when you hire a fractional sales leader, you gain access to a quality leader who can bring expertise, drive performance, and help your team grow.


2. Flexibility

Outsourcing is a great option for organizations in need of immediate help. You aren’t committing to hiring a full-time employee nor commencing a three-to-six month search. Rather, you’re bringing in an expert to address certain needs at a specific time on a part-time basis.

Plus, when your company is ready to take the next step and bring on a full-time sales leader, your outsourcing partner will have guided you and your team with the proper strategies, processes and tools that will help your new hire step in quickly and hit the ground running.


3. Reduce Costs

Hiring someone full-time is expensive, and a sales manager’s position can easily use up the budget in just a matter of months. However, bringing in an experienced sales professional on a fractional basis and for a limited time could set your team up for success, but for a lower price.


Could these benefits work for your business? Feel free to give us a call anytime to discuss more about outsourcing sales leadership and what to expect.


Who Should Outsource Sales Leadership?

One of the biggest reasons companies miss out on the benefits of outsourcing their sales leadership is because they are not aware of the service, or do not understand how it fits for their business. However, outsourcing sales leadership can be a great fit for many organizations.

Spend some time going over the following questions. If you could identify with any of them, then outsourcing your sales leadership is worth exploring.

  • Do you know how to effectively hire and manage a sales team?
  • Is managing your sales team the best use of your time?
  • Do you have the right tools and sales processes to drive and sustain sales growth?
  • Do you have a documented sales plan?
  • Do you know that business growth is possible, but aren’t sure how to achieve it?
  • Do you suspect that a lack of professional sales leadership is leading to poor sales team morale, high sales rep turnover, or both?


Things to Consider When Outsourcing a Sales Leader

Outsourcing is a great option to improve sales efforts, but only if you find the right partner. If you’ve decided this is the right option for transforming sales operations, keep the following points in mind as they could help everyone with a smooth transition.


1. Looking for Capability Over Cost

Outsourcing is an investment, but price packages shouldn’t be the only thing you’re looking at. You want to partner with an experienced leader who will bring value to your company. Take some time to clearly define the outcomes you’re hoping for and seek an outsourcing partner who meets those expectations.


2. Keeping Lines of Communication Open

Outsourcing will give you more time to focus elsewhere. And with the right partner you won’t have to do any of the heavy lifting, but you still want to be kept in the loop. Discuss communication styles and expected updates with your outsourcing partner.


3. Understanding the Timeline

Give your outsourced leader time to learn your business and get adjusted. Positive results do take some time, but your partner is laying a great foundation for future success and development.


Outsourcing leadership for any aspect of your business is a partnership and ideally, you want to find the best fit for your company. Reflect on and identify your goals and weak spots as doing so could ensure you find the right sales partner. Whether you’re looking to restructure your in-house sales team, or your company is in a period of transition, outsourcing sales leadership could be the solution.

Your company needs sustained sales growth to thrive and no matter how much time and effort you’re putting in, you may not be seeing the growth you’re after. Let our 360 Consulting team take your business to the next level through building a phenomenal sales culture and increased team productivity.


We Can Help with Cost-Effective and Strategic Leadership

To expedite meeting and exceeding your sales goals, it might be time to call in reinforcements. The team at 360 Consulting has nearly three decades of industry experience finding the right sales solution. Let us do the heavy lifting so you can focus your attention on other aspects of your business. After all, your top line is our bottom line! Schedule your free consultation here to find out how we help sales teams break sales records.

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Pave the Path to Sales Success with an Outsourced Sales Leader
Changing management might be too drastic to improve your sales team. See other options, including hiring an outsourced sales leader to guide your team.
Improving Sales
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