Gaining new customers can be exhilarating. After all, it’s what we’ve worked for day in and day out with our business development efforts. Depending on the length of time and downright grind required to get to a yes, we can find ourselves eager to please our clients. So, when they say “Thank you for a job well done! Oh, by the way can you also (fill in the blank)”, we want to say “Yes, of course we can!” But then the focus gets lost.
When we try to be everything for everybody, we risk putting ourselves in a compromised position. We risk watering down our business proposition and our brand promise. At this rate, our products and services can become so generalized that no one knows what we are offering. And this forces potential customers to turn to competitors with more specific options.
Questions to Ask Before You Spread Your Business Too Thin
The pressure to please our customers is a very real one for all business owners. But it’s always a good idea to pause first and ask these three questions before you say yes:
1. Is this our core competency?
Expanding or generalizing your offerings can lead you to watering down your competency. By staying focused on your core competency, not only does the quality of your offering increase, but it will become more innovative as you become an expert in your chosen field. Your trusted reputation as the “go-to” for that particular product or service will also boost sales and generate a loyal customer base.
2. Can this be profitable?
This is a no-brainer. If the answer is “no, this cannot be profitable” then the answer to your client’s request is simply “no”. If the answer is “it might be profitable” or it’s “absolutely a profit-maker”, then further research would be advisable as to exactly how profitable.
3. Should we be doing this?
This is a very different question than “Can we do this?” Technically you may be able to offer the product or service, but does it align with your mission, vision & values?
Remember, this isn’t your only customer— you have worked hard to create trust in your market. If what the customer is asking does not align with your brand or your values, it might be best to politely defer from their request.
We are often taught that we must please our customers at any cost. But the truth is, it’s impossible to build a business and market a brand in a way that serves everyone. Your power is in knowing exactly who you are and how your business can best serve your market. Keeping it that simple will generate the sales you need to support your business today as well as set yourself up to be a business with a strong future.
Another trap to fall in that causes you to lose focus is the discounting trap. See our helpful post about avoiding this!
At 360 Consulting we know that being all things to all people is a recipe for no sales. We know the power of focus and our focus is you. So, before you say “yes”, contact us! We will guide you through the decision-making process that will set you up for endless opportunities for continued growth — in the right direction!