Udutu’s online classroom platform is dedicated to making it easy for everyone to develop, deploy, and manage online training and learning, regardless of the size of your organization, or the number of people you want to train.
To make this possible, we offer software and services that can be used to enhance an existing system, or be used as standalones, or be combined to create a full end to end solution.

Two major components to an online learning or training solution
Udutu Authoring Tool
A platform to enable the creation of content. Often called a Course Authoring tool, but it might also be a video recording tool.
Udutu Learning Management System
A platform to manage learners. Manage who should take which courses. Who has taken them, and how did they do? Who hasn’t but should have, etc. These platforms, usually called a Learning Management System, or LMS, also provide features that enable repetitive compliance certifications, reminders, alerts, reports, certificates, pre-requisites for courses, etc
All-in-One Learning Management System
Sometimes the combination of an authoring tool and an LMS is referred to as an LCMS (Learning Content Management System) or online classroom platform.
But the reality is that today you can mix and match the tools of your choice to make a complete solution, or option to purchase an all in one package, because a series of standards have made most tools compatible with each other.
The most widely supported of these standards is referred to as SCORM (Shareable Content Object Reference Model). SCORM has released several versions since it was first adopted around the turn of this century. The most widely supported are SCORM 1.2, SCORM 2004, and xAPI.
Udutu offers both a course authoring tool and an LMS, and both are fully compatible with SCORM standards, so a course created in the Udutu authoring tool can work in any SCORM compliant LMS, and a course created in any other SCORM compliant authoring tool will work in the Udutu LMS.
Of course, our preferred solution is to use Udutu’s authoring tool as well as the Udutu LMS, but our intention is to provide you with whatever parts of the problem need to be solved, without forcing you to abandon anything you may have already invested in.

There are currently more than 3 million online-only students in the US. This is more than the total number of college students in France.
Need help developing your course?
Case Study
This multi-billion dollar, Israeli owned, US-based oil company has acquired several subsidiary retail outlet companies, giving it more than five hundred convenience stores and retail fuel outlets, with several different brand names, corporate cultures, hiring and training policies, etc. The company wanted to establish an online classroom platform that would be available online in the retail outlets to help establish a global culture and an understanding of the company’s mission, mandate, policies and opportunities.
Among other things, the design and distribution of the courses had to take into account the company’s tight security procedures, bandwidth issues in outlying areas, and a wide variation in levels of computer literacy amongst employees. The online learning courses covered general orientation and company policies, and a series of mandatory certification courses such as the handling of Liquor, ephedrine and tobacco, as well as a course in food handling, Sanitation and safety procedures, dealing with robbery, etc. These courses are delivered using a custom iteration of our LMS Udutu developed for use on customized laptops and mobile tablets. Although the initial project involved only the retail division, Udutu has expanded their offerings into the refineries and head office.

Individuals with subject matter expertise but without any programming skills, can use the simple to use Udutu platform to create and distribute their knowledge. Whether you have 5 or 50,000 learners, the platform allows you to scale as per need, while providing all the features of a world class solution.

eLearning Tools
Start With The Right Tool
Templates allow you to effortlessly present engaging material to learners through interactions, gamification styled scenarios and rich media presentations. Add branching simulations, case-studies, interactive quizzes, and complex assessments to your online courses.
The Udutu online course authoring tool supports all major graphic, sound, and video formats which are automatically optimized for web delivery. With little to no media production experience, you can easily integrate multimedia into your online courses.
Courses extracted from our authoring tool are SCORM compliant and integrate seamlessly into any SCORM compliant LMS system. If you don’t have an LMS, try our online LMS system. Our LMS supports any SCORM compliant courses you may already have.

Udutu’s learning management system (LMS) is an easy‑to‑use, cloud-based, user friendly design, highly scalable, and affordable training system. It will allow you to distribute online courses, track face-to-face and task based learning activities, and manage any number of learners with applicable permissions, tracking and reporting.
What Our Clients Are Saying
“What makes them a special team is not just the ability to solve current problems, but their intuition and skill in anticipating future potential issues and developing solutions before we encounter them. This is the hallmark of team innovation and collective intelligence applied in real world applications for cross-cultural utilization.
Beyond their superior technical and creative skills, are the hearts of true servant-leaders in their field and organization. It is this level of extraordinary service during routine and “crisis” times that keep us loyal to this company and greatly appreciative of these individuals. Working together, our team and the Udutu team highlight the benefits of finding and collaborating with the best and brightest in the L&D industry. ”
Gery Baker
Delek US Holdings
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