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Adult Learner

The Rise of the Adult Learner

A Human Learner is a complex being dependent on a variety of correlating social and intellectual variables. When it comes to e-learning, this process becomes even more complex, leading to a need to develop a categorization of differences between online and traditional learners. The e-learning industry as a whole has developed an indication of these differences through trial & error and following trends & cultural clusters, best exemplified by the popularity of the short video format (1-4 minutes) and its widespread use in implementing training. However, there is not a lot of focus on the science or psychology behind these choices…

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What Can We Learn From ELearning Content And Online Courses

What can we learn from eLearning content and Online Courses?

Online Course Authoring has always been a source of fascination for me, as it is a perfect application of the science of learning and the art of creating engaging eLearning content ; a perfect balance of the need to create experiences which are cognitively beneficial for the learner but also have to be intellectually stimulating at the same time. Consequently , there are so many components to authoring a great course that it is hard for people to take a step back and look at the bigger picture of what learners actually want from these courses. Here at Udutu , we have crunched some numbers to give you a…

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