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Adult Learning Styles

What Are Adult Learning Styles, and How Do They Affect eLearning?

While it has become a controversial subject in recent years, the concept of learning styles—the idea that we learn better when the instruction we receive is tailored to our preferred way of learning—still plays an important role when designing online curriculum. Understanding how different people learn is important when design and delivering online training. You want your employees to not only retain the information you have prepared in your online course materials, but also be motivated to put the new knowledge and ideas into practice in the workplace. As well, adult learners have unique needs that should be taken into…

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Social Learning

Social Media: Your learners are already here – where are you?

It is without a doubt a time where people have a vast amount of information at their fingertips. There is never a question that can be unanswered since “just Google it” has been added to our vocabularies. As such, an increased amount of informal learning takes place on a daily basis. The way we use the internet has changed over the years. Before it used to be a resource we used to find information. Now we use it as a way to express opinions, connect with people, learn and share our learning. Additionally, people can communicate what they are learning…

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