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Udutu provides users affordable eLearning and training solutions such as the course authoring tool, Cloud LMS and PPT To SCORM Converter backed by quality on-demand support services.

How Have Course Authoring Tools Changed and Improved?

Udutu has been giving away a powerful, free, online course authoring tool since 2006. So far, nearly 89,000 organizations have created authoring tool accounts and have published more than 177,000 courses in the last 12 years. In recent years, the team at Udutu has been noticing changes to both content…

Udutu Lms Employees

“Is Udutu Good for My eLearning Business?” An Interview with Roger Mundell

In this Q&A, CEO Roger Mundell explains the philosophy behind Udutu. "We want to be the good guys. The ones you trust to eliminate obstacles and to provide the tools you need." Q: Where did the idea for Udutu come from? The idea behind Udutu came from my time working…

Online Learning Solution

How You Organize Content: The Key to Effective Online Training

You may have heard of the Microsoft study that discovered the human attention span has decreased from 12 seconds in 2000 to just 8 seconds in 2015. Goldfish, in comparison, are believed to have an attention span of nine seconds. This has broad implications for online training. What has caused this…

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