- Title: Enter/edit a title for the page.
- Description: Enter/edit a description of your content.
- Insert Multimedia: Insert animations, videos, or images into the content area of the screen.
Tip: Images added via the text editor, can be set up to link to a specific URL by following the prompts.
- Link to document: Create a link on the screen to a document. The default setting is to open a link in a new window. To change this, right-click on the link and edit the “set link properties”.
- Insert audio: Insert an audio clip into the screen.
- Link to media: Link to an image or video. The default setting is to open a link in a new window. To change this, right-click on the link and edit the “set link properties”.
- Create Accordion: Create a series of titles that when you click on they expand to reveal more information.
- Link to screen: Create a link on this page to “jump” the learner to another screen in the course. This is a very powerful feature that can be used to create branching within your course.
- Insert score: Used to calculate and display a score when scored assessments are included.
- Insert score feedback: Used to display a message to the learner on whether they’ve passed or failed a course.
- Printable Notes: Add a note field that learners can insert notes and print.
- Formatting options: Format your text using the options available above the text content area.